7 Make-or-Break Questions to Ask About Your Marketing

There’s one big thing that’s making or breaking how much revenue your marketing brings in. 

(Ok sure, maybe there’s more. Maybe your website has a ton of glitches, or your branding is unappealing. But, in the end, it all comes back to one thing.)

It’s how well you know your audience. 

Whether your unsubscribe rates are spiking, your click-through-rates are below average, or your services just aren’t selling, the knowledge of your target audience is at the core of everything. 

And conversely, if you’re seeing customer engagement soar and sales skyrocketing, it’s probably because you have your finger on the pulse of your ideal audience. 

Either way, it’s always a good idea to have a think about your potential clients and if you’re truly connecting with them. After all, this is how you know whether your business or coaching content is truly serving your mission — or if you’re making assumptions. 

Asking (and answering) these questions about your audience is important and valuable time spent that will pay dividends in the long run. Because while you may feel that your coaching content is on brand, the message may not be hitting home with the people who matter the most for you. 

The good news is: you don’t have to change everything. I’m not talking about a branding overhaul, because you already know your brand.

This is about making your messaging hit the perfect note to grow your reach — and business.

It may come down to what you highlight in your headlines or shifting the topics you focus on. It will also take some trial and error to find the sweet spot, because this is a conversation. It’s about learning how to best connect with your people. 

Here are 7 important questions to ask about your ideal customers and coaching clients — I promise the answers will be incredibly useful! 

1.) What are they struggling with in their life? 

Before you can fix their problems, you have to know what they are. Everyone wants their problems solved, whether they realize it or not. Whether it’s philosophical (wanting to feel more confidence in themselves) or very specific (wanting to find the perfect gift for a friend) think about what your clients want the most right now.

2.) What are they dreaming about and want the most? 

Are you aligning with their vision of the future that they really want? If they’re dreaming of a luxury wine collection and you’re selling discount Pinot Grigio, something’s out of sync here. If they’re hoping to switch careers soon, make sure your coaching messaging focuses on the rewards.

3.) How can I help them get that? 

Now that you know what they’re actually thinking about, you can figure out how your unique product or service fits into their gameplan. Tie in your features to show how the benefits relate to their goals. 

4.) How will they use my product or service? 

Think about it; picture it; make some bullet points. Understand what you actually look like from their perspective, physically and emotionally. At what point do you show up in their life and how does it serve them? 

5.) How can I make their life better, or easier, or more special? 

Now that you’ve pictured how they’re relating to you, think about ways you can get an edge on the competition by focusing on any unique things you offer. Whether it’s a small shipping benefit or a bonus freebie, how can you bring customers some extra joy in their life? 

6.) What questions do they have about my brand? 

Everyone’s gonna have hesitations before they buy something, especially online. Instead of ignoring them, address them head on and figure out how you can answer them ahead of time. 

7.) What benefits have other customers seen that I can highlight? 

If you have happy customers, don’t hide it! People love to know what other people think. Make it a priority to gather testimonials that you can integrate into all your marketing.

If you flew through these questions, congratulations! You really know your mission and who you serve! 

Were some of these a struggle? That’s ok! Now you have something to think about and a great start towards refining your messaging. 

Of course, these questions are not exhaustive — there are plenty more I dig into when developing a messaging framework and strategizing how to bring a brand story to life. But these quick hits will get you on your way to connecting with your tribe and getting the right message across! 


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