Wonky Content? 5 Ways to Proof & Polish Your Work

We’ve all run into our fair share of typos or accidentally using the wrong “they’re”. Luckily, spellcheck or AI can help out with many of those more technical issues.

But beyond those easy fixes — there are some more nuanced coaching and lifestyle content issues that require a closer look. It’s an important step, because when things just don’t feel right your readers (and potential clients) will check out — and drop off.

And when your content just flows beautifully, it can help you attract the right people and grow your coaching business.

The problem with wonky content isn’t just that it seems like lazy or bad writing. When you have a disconnect in language, it causes a disconnect for your reader, too.

Anything your potential client has to re-read or doesn’t understand is not going to work in your favor. Because the more barriers you have, the more likely your they’re going to go somewhere else. 

Here are five ways to look for red flags that can interrupt your potential coaching clients and customers, causing them to disconnect from your brand. 

1.) Read it out loud.

Once you have a second or third draft, make sure you read the whole thing out loud. Listen for any sentences that drone on for too long or phrases that get garbled. If it’s tripping you up, it will most likely trip up your readers too. 

2.) Check for marketing speak.

When you come to high-level terms or phrases in the content, ask yourself if this is something you would personally use in a conversation. Are you using jargon that no one outside your business or industry uses? Is this something that flows naturally when you say it out loud? The more stiff it seems to you, the more awkward it will feel to potential clients. 

3.) Are your CTA buttons clear and concise?

Whether it’s on your homepage or an email blast, your CTA buttons need to be crystal clear and actionable. Don’t make your customers interpret what they mean. Make sure they know where the button leads and why it’s a good idea to click it. 

4.) Did you use the same word a lot of times?

Sometimes repetition is valuable and helps drive home an idea. But other times, using the same word or phrase can stand out or just make the copy bland. My rule of thumb: you can use something 3 times to make it stick, but anything more than that is too much. At that point, find a different word or way to say it! 

(Hot tip: try doing a document search for a specific keyword to count how many times it’s been used) 

5.) Are you being overly descriptive?

Painting a picture of your product or coaching service can go a long way towards compelling your clients to sign up. But being excessively flowery can work against you when readers lose the point. I always look at how many adjectives or adverbs are in a given sentence or paragraph. If you’re cramming in a bunch, try rewriting the sentence to focus on the message instead of forcing in adjectives. Show, don’t tell.  

Whether you’re writing a quick Instagram caption or a longer email series, great writing is the key to telling your story in a compelling, enticing way. And with a few strategic edits, you can take a draft from crummy to polished in no time! 

Want more personalized help creating awesome content for your coaching business? Schedule a call and see how a custom messaging plan can help!


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